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发表时间:2021-11-29 02:50:21 更新时间:2021-11-30 06:41:57

楼主:Kvan888  时间:2021-11-28 18:50:21






楼主:Kvan888  时间:2021-11-29 08:44:33



Christian Olof Emanuel Pavón
Yes and not even slowly. But the immigrants in itself are not the problem per se but the people we choose to give asylum constitutes the real issue here.
For example: The people on the Pictures are 9000 afghans who have never been properley identified. In their ranks they have already had rapists, and a person who tried to kill a police-officer for example. They were given asylum and they and other Groups are slowly disintergrating the society that was once a peaceful and happy country.
It is as you can see on this chart obvious that Sweden have become one of the rape-capitals of the Western World and that is a shame. The feminists look the other way when it comes to sexual assualts and other crimes commited by immigrants. The left is well known to ignore this unfortunatly but even the liberals in Sweden like our Liberal party and right-winged news-pappers like Dagens Nyheter& Svenska Dagbladet looks the other way.
The only party in the Swedish Parlament that is trying to change things is the Swedish democrats and their leader Jimmie Åkesson. Jimmie is being constantly harrased and a target of smear-campaigns by the media and it has even gone so far that his family is protected 24/7 by bodyguards due to all the threats he is receiving for his patos to speak the truth.
So yes Sweden is being destroyed by immigration. But our biggest foe is political correctness. There is no cancer more horrendous than PC-Culture.

楼主:Kvan888  时间:2021-11-29 09:26:26



Christian Olof Emanuel Pavón
Yes and not even slowly. But the immigrants in itself are not the problem per se but the people we choose to give asylum constitutes the real issue here.
For example: The people on the Pictures are 9000 afghans who have never been properley identified. In their ranks they have already had rapists, and a person who tried to kill a police-officer for example. They were given asylum and they and other Groups are slowly disintergrating the society that was once a peaceful and happy country.
It is as you can see on this chart obvious that Sweden have become one of the rape-capitals of the Western World and that is a shame. The feminists look the other way when it comes to sexual assualts and other crimes commited by immigrants. The left is well known to ignore this unfortunatly but even the liberals in Sweden like our Liberal party and right-winged news-pappers like Dagens Nyheter& Svenska Dagbladet looks the other way.
The only party in the Swedish Parlament that is trying to change things is the Swedish democrats and their leader Jimmie Åkesson. Jimmie is being constantly harrased and a target of smear-campaigns by the media and it has even gone so far that his family is protected 24/7 by bodyguards due to all the threats he is receiving for his patos to speak the truth.
So yes Sweden is being destroyed by immigration. But our biggest foe is political correctness. There is no cancer more horrendous than PC-Culture.




众所周知,左翼忽视了这一点,但不幸的是,甚至像我们的瑞典自由党和像《Dagens Nyheter》以及《Svenska Dagbladet》这样的右翼报纸也视而不见。

瑞典议会中唯一试图改变现状的政党是瑞典民主党及其领导人Jimmie Akesson。



楼主:Kvan888  时间:2021-11-29 09:27:25
Fredrik Johansson

Whether or not Sweden gets destroyed remains to be seen, but we are now seeing the seeds of division. One part of Sweden is saying that immigration is great, that we need to save lives unless we are Nazis, and that we have to care about everyone in the world, while the other side is saying that we need to put Sweden first and ensure that we have a manageable economy.


楼主:Kvan888  时间:2021-11-29 09:27:42
In that regard, “the old Sweden” is dead. The Sweden where women felt safe and where we were paying taxes to help ourselves — our children, our elderly, our disabled — and not to benefit people who come here from the other side of the world to live a comfortable life in unemployment with their extended family.
While one part of Sweden celebrates the new multicultural and diverse New Sweden, where we can eat falafel, the other part of Sweden is missing the Old Sweden that we remember from the Astrid Lindgren films. Somehow the sun was always shining and everyone was seemingly nice to one another. Even the criminals were reasonable people deep down.
These days the news are filled with one horrendous crime after another. Gang rapes are commonplace and several times a week we can read about immigration related rapes.
So, one part of Sweden celebrates falafel and that we have dark-skinned people, while the other side is primarily concerned about being shot at, blown up or sexually assaulted.
One of the sides is still promoting open borders, while the other side want borders closed ASAP and repatriation of those who do not contribute to society.
The first side are humanitarians who believe in saving the whole world, no matter what the costs are. The other side believes in saving Sweden, even if it means that some people need to be sent home.


楼主:Kvan888  时间:2021-11-29 09:27:55
One glaring case is what to do with the many so called unaccompanied minors that came here from Iran and Afghanistan in 2015. Their families sent them here as anchor children and the threat of sending them back makes many of them severely depressed and suicidal. Their Swedish foster parents (usually middle-aged women) are very engaged in the media about letting the young men stay.
Most of the minors are in reality young men, which is apparent in many ways, but because we have this division in Sweden, the humanitarians have made it a taboo subject to criticize the age of the so-called children.
A government sponsored report even said that “the word ‘children’ in quotation marks is an example of hate speech in social media”. [1]
Basically, Sweden is being divided between humanitarians and haters.
In this mess, the public Swedish television, that everyone with a TV is required to pay around $150 a year to finance, has interpreted its TV license to say that they must defend “everyone’s equal value”. In turn, they see themselves as siding with humanitarians and not haters and are regularly publishing sob stories about the “children”, while the alternative media is publishing stories about how many of the “children” are convicted for all sorts of crime, including rape and drug abuse; furthermore it is often revealed that they are not actual children, or that the middle aged women who take care of them have sexual relationships with them (as shown by court cases).

在这种混乱中,每个拥有电视机的人每年都需要支付大约150美元的资金,瑞典的公共电视台将其电视许可证解释为他们必须捍卫“人人平等”。 反过来,他们认为自己站在人道主义者一边,而不是仇恨者一边,并经常发表关于“儿童”的悲伤故事,而其他媒体则发表关于有多少“儿童”被判犯有各种罪行的故事,包括强奸和滥用毒品; 此外,他们往往不是真正的孩子,时有与照顾他们的中年妇女发生性关系(如法庭案件所示)。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It seems that Sweden is developing the same kind of division that we can see in the US and the UK. Anyone who questions why we should put young men from the other side of the world ahead of our own population will be permanently seen as haters.
The division between humanitarians and haters permeates everything. When talking about the increase in rape, one side will blame it on immigration while the other side blames it on the global patriarchy.
When talking about the housing shortage, one side blames it on immigrants, while the other blames the government for not building enough.
One side asks why we spend 10% on our government budget on immigration when our healthcare system is falling apart, while the other side says that human lives have no cost.
In between these groups there are the immigrants who do not integrate into society. Both the humanitarians and the haters see it as a problem, but the humanitarians think it will be solved if we are nicer to the immigrants and we become less racist, while the haters don’t see any solution to the problem other than closing the borders and hope that the problems can be solved in the long term. The haters also want to enforce strict rules in the ghetto areas, including calling in the military and giving the police more force, while the humanitarians think that the immigrants who live there are misunderstood and feel discriminated, and that we need to show them more compassion in order for them to integrate.


楼主:Kvan888  时间:2021-11-29 09:28:15
All the while, the problems are escalating. Deadly shootings in Sweden have increased fivefold in ten years. (from 9 to 45)
What you are seeing is that one half of Sweden sees the humanitarians as the problem, while the other half sees the haters as the problem.
The haters are conservative and nostalgic about The Old Sweden where things seemed to be working. Now, many haters don’t want to pay taxes or are planning to move abroad because they see the situation as going in the wrong direction and the media as doing a cover-up.
On the other side, the humanitarians point to friends they have who came to Sweden and became successful. These success stories are heavily promoted in the media and can easily make a person a celebrity over night.
The alternative media is equally gleeful when it turns out that one of the humanitarians gets convicted of a crime, is harassing women or for other reasons is a nasty person.
The humanitarians receive a lot of hatred. Every newspaper in Sweden had to shut down their comment section due to “hate” — mainly immigration criticism. Journalists report that they can’t write an article about the nationalistic Sweden Democratic party without receiving lots of hate mail and threats. They are trying to find ways to avoid the haters, which includes distancing themselves from the Swedish Democratic voters and supporters who are now believed to be around 20% of the population. This shunning is upsetting the Sweden Democratic supporters more.


Virtually every day there are articles in mainstream published about “the need to fight hatred”. “how to combat hatred in social media” or “how to combat fake news”, “how to do politics without involving the Sweden Democrats”, “how alternative media is sponsored by Putin trolls” or similar.
I have heard some haters say that the times are actually quite exciting now. Swedes who use to just go happily along with everything are now starting to show some fighting spirit.
The humanitarians are also mobilizing. They have groups such as #Jagärhär (I am here) a mod that floods facebook pages with loving oneliners.


The group has close ties with mainstream media, which is controversial among the haters.
Well, one thing is for sure: the Old Sweden is destroyed and we will never go back to being like in the Astrid Lindgren films. Those who support multiculturalism see it as a good and unavoidable progress, while others are sad and sorry to see that the things Sweden was known for are gone, and those who mourn about it are silenced.
Clarification: Sweden was never as in the Lindgren films (Seacrow Island, Pippi Longstocking, etc). It is merely a nostalgic image people have in their minds of an idyllic Sweden.
Please note: The word “hater” does not indicate that they are evil. I simply chose that word for this answer.
Check some of the other answers to this question and it will confirm my answer.


Igor Rouzine
Let us think:
There are 8.1% of Muslim immigrants in Sweden according to Pew Research or twice as much by some other sources.
Average number of kids per woman for Muslims in Sweden is 2.8, very close to the number everywhere, and for (atheist) Europeans 1.6. It is estimated that, under a medium migration scenario, Sweden will be 20% Muslim by 2050. City Malmö located at the border with Denmark, now notorious for its gang violence, will be mostly Muslim.
But how much can this sub-population contribute to the work force? In the statistical sense, for a large group of people, IQ is a good predictor of achievement (see the plots at the bottom). For example, average IQ in Syria is 83, against Swedish 100. Please note that IQ variation is heritable by 53%-73% and that the genetic part cannot be changed during lifetime. Remaining 47–27% of the IQ gap is due to upbringing/environment, and that can be decreased if a migrant abandons his system of values and his lifestyle and is raised as a Protestant-tradition Swede, which they mostly refuse, since most of them prefer their religion and ethics which goes with it. That alone makes them untrainable for most professions in Sweden. You need IQ >115 to even get to college, IQ > mean+2.2*std, and 96% of Muslims in Sweden are below this value.
The 2nd most popular baby boy name in Gothenburg is Mohamed. This choice reflects the number of Muslims in that city and their lack of desire to integrate. They love Mohamed and Swedish money much more than Sweden.
In Western Europe, many people even in the third generation of new Muslims do not integrate well. Note that this is not the case in Russia, due to the reasons beyond the scope of this answer.
When people cannot fit, and come from the religion that tells them that they are superior beings, they resort to crime.
Despite of these depressing facts, I do not think that Sweden will ever become a second Syria — nor most Muslims will ever integrate. No multicultural paradise will arrive, but Sweden will not lose its identity.
Why do I think so?
The likely scenario is, as follows. Social tensions and the cost of this “social experiment” will continue to increase, as the population of Muslims grows. A right-wing nationalist Conservative movement led by Swedish Democrats will continue its rise to prominence.
UP: 503

1. 根据皮尤研究中心的数据,瑞典有8.1%的穆斯林移民,其他来源声称是这个数据的两倍。
2. 瑞典穆斯林妇女平均生育2.8个孩子,非常接近世界水平,而(无神论者)欧洲妇女平均生育1.6个孩子。据估计,在中等移民情况下,到2050年,瑞典将有20%的穆斯林。位于丹麦边境上的瑞典城市Malmo市,现在因帮派暴力而臭名昭著,主体似乎就是穆斯林。
3. 但是这个小群体对劳动力的贡献是多少呢?从统计学意义上讲,对于很多人来说,智商是成就的一个很好的预测指标(见下图)。例如,叙利亚人的平均智商是83,而瑞典人是100。请注意,智商变异有53%-73%是可遗传的,遗传部分在一生中不能改变。剩下的47-27%的智商差距是由教养/环境造成的,如果一个移民放弃他的价值体系和生活方式,并被培养成一个新教传统的瑞典人,这一差距可以减少,但他们大多会拒绝,因为他们更喜欢与之相匹配的宗教和伦理。单单这一点就使得他们无法胜任瑞典的大多数职业。你需要智商>115才能上大学,智商>平均值+2.2*std, 96%的瑞典穆斯林低于这个值。
4. 哥德堡第二受欢迎的男孩名字是穆罕默德。这一选择反映了该城市穆斯林的数量,以及他们缺乏融入社会的愿望。比起瑞典,他们更喜欢穆罕默德和瑞典的钱。
5. 在西欧,很多人即使是第三代新穆斯林也不能很好地融入社会。请注意,俄罗斯的情况并非如此,原因超出了本答案的范围。
6. 当人们不能适应,而他们的宗教告诉他们自己是优越的人,他们就诉诸犯罪。

They will eventually come to power in the government and enter a majority coalition in Parliament. After that, they will limit the now-existing welfare privileges for the newcomers and publish their staggering police statistics. Without the present support, the low-skill group will have no choice but gradually repatriate, except for the 4% of gifted individuals who have assimilated well.
It seems, the key to any successful immigration is maintaining a slow pace and individual sextion of immigrants based on the need of the country, i.e., sextion by merit: attitude, skills, ideology, and culture. This is not how immigrants from Asia are sexted at the moment. Sadly, mass migration is ideologically and economically motivated, partly by greed and desire to get cheap obedient workforce, and partly by the ongoing battle of the Left globalists against the freedom-loving middle class.
In the future, only the countries defeating the globalist dystopia and protecting their borders and culture will continue to prosper, the others will descend into decay, tyranny and chaos.
Disclaimer: As you can see from these plots, IQ distribution is useful for predicting success for large groups of people. For individuals, due to dispersion, SAT scores and the equivalent are much more accurate predictors.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Brian Coughlan
Sigh. This again.
This nonsensical claim of the pending extinction of Europe (or individual European countries like Sweden) or its descent into Civil War has been made by a loose coalition of fascists and conservatives since the 1990's. It was drivel then and it is drivel now. It requires a unique combination of innumeracy and extreme gullibility to believe.
It is the exact equivalent — and has the same sinister purpose — of Nazi propaganda about the “Jewish International Conspiracy” promulgated in the run up to World War II : targeting a vulnerable minority and demonizing them as a “threat".
It is nothing but a fantasy, shared — rather ironically — by white nationalists and Muslim extremists. Ironic, but not suprising, since such myopic misanthropes are essentially forged from the same flawed, fearful and conservative base metals; and their fervent hatred of the other is indentical even if the focus of that hatred is different.
European Muslims lack both the numbers and - more critically - the uniformity of opinion to “overwhelm” the “Natives” of Europe. Moreover, there is very little evidence that they have any interest in doing such a thing. Even now, in 2018 after adding 2 million refugees, Muslims in Europe barely represent 5% of the population. There is not a single country in the EU that will have a majority Muslim (50% plus) population before 2100.

这与纳粹在第二次世界大战前夕发布的关于“犹太人国际阴谋”的宣传完全相同——而且有着同样险恶的目的:将脆弱的少数群体作为目标,并将他们妖魔化为“威胁”。 这不过是一种幻想,颇为讽刺的是,白人民族主义者和穆斯林极端分子也认同这一点。讽刺,但并不奇怪,因为这些短视的厌世者本质上是由同样的有缺陷、恐惧和保守的贱金属锻造而成的。他们对对方的强烈仇恨是相同的,即使仇恨的焦点不同。

Even if, “worst” case scenario, a European country reaches a 50% Muslim population - let’s imagine France in 2110 - what of it? Muslims are not the Borg. Just as in Christianity, there are multiple flavors of “Muslim” on a continuum ranging from the lapsed, bacon eating, alcohol drinking, culturally Muslim atheist; to the hard core, misogyny embracing, prayer 5 times a day, Allah is totally awesome, fundamentalist. Thus, even a demographic of 50% will inevitably splinter across multiple political parties just like the rest of us.
Furthermore, my personal — and admittedly anecdotal experience — is that they are assimilated (Hah! I guess that makes us the Borg) fairly quickly; two teenage girls, Syrian refugees I met in 2014, are now almost as Swedish as my own daughter and both speak infuriatingly good Swedish — far better than my own hapless efforts despite living here for 17 years! Both have become independent, confident young women studying and living away from home.



The much touted Muslim birth rate also seems somewhat inflated; I know several Iranians and Bosnians from the refugee waves of the 1980′s and 90's, on average they seem to have about the same number of kids as Swedes. So, while first generation refugee parents may be culturally disposed to have more children, those children — and even children that came with them — tend to align to Swedish/European norms by the time they are old enough to have families of their own.
But feel free to reject my cozy anecdotes. This is fully backed by the latest empirical data on the subject, global population growth is falling across the board, the developed world is just 15 - 30 years ahead of a curve that is happening everywhere.
P.S. If I want to have an argument with the racist or the uninformed, there is always YouTube. Post your own damn answer.

楼主:Kvan888  时间:2021-11-29 11:36:40

楼主:Kvan888  时间:2021-11-29 19:13:08