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发表时间:2009-09-15 09:03:00 更新时间:2022-07-14 12:22:02

楼主:猪头方片三  时间:2009-11-09 01:43:57

楼主:猪头方片三  时间:2009-11-10 10:51:31
第二章 BH的兄弟姐妹
我一直认为, 要想成长为一个优秀的流氓, 不但要靠天赋,还要拥有强健的体魄和顽强的心理素质。在这两个条件的养成上, 张叔叔必须感谢他的五姐和七哥。张家老五有点邪门,是个有严重暴力倾向的愤怒女青年,也是张叔叔的早期武术指导。老五愤怒的理由很多, 例如她弟弟的字写得很难看, 她弟弟在学校不老实, 或者她弟弟从幼儿园开始早恋, 喜欢勾搭胖乎乎的小姑娘, 品味恶俗。总之, 老五认定她弟弟张发宗是个流氓成性的小混蛋, 需要正义的铁拳严加调教,才能成长为一个有道德,有品味, 有文化, 有zhuangbility 的四有新人。其实在这些冠冕堂皇的理由背后, 真正的原因多半是下雨天打孩子,闲着也是闲着。总之, 老五每逢失恋分手跟老六吵架之后就开始旋么着对张叔叔进行武斗。打到兴致高昂之处,拳脚相加之外还有虎虎生风的衣架流星镖必杀技。张叔叔的小身板很皮实,于霹雳啪啦过招之际撞断衣架无数。多年之后他十分自豪的回忆道: 那些木头衣架是俺爹的厂子里精工制造的,木头老硬老结实,质量可好了 -- 可见张家老小子质量更好,这么着大刑伺候都没散架,还练出一身钢筋铁骨, 金刚不坏的童子功,以至于二十年之后轻轻一下就撞得黄沾黄老贼魂飞魄散魄散。可惜老五一时大意,忽略了对张叔叔重要部位进行铁裆功特训, 以至张叔叔惜败于神仙摘茄这等阴招之下, 痛哉, 痛哉。
楼主:猪头方片三  时间:2009-11-10 11:00:59
此外, 张叔叔的大哥,排行老七的张发荣叔叔,也是个十分销魂的JP人物。他继承和发扬了老五的暴力基因,将虐待儿童发展成了一门充满创意和黑色幽默的行为艺术。他脚法凌厉, 能隔着一张木板把张叔叔从两米高的高架床上踹到半空中,再大头朝下,划出一道优美的抛物线重重的甩到地板上。张叔叔命比小强硬,躺在地上睡了半个多钟头后自然苏醒。之后他高高兴兴的去学游泳,大哥又乘风浪来袭时抢去了他的救生圈独自逃生,留下完全不识水性的张叔叔苦苦挣扎。倒霉的张叔叔咕嘟咕嘟的呛了两口水,扑腾两下,倔强的浮出水面,乘风破浪回到岸边,迅速成长为一个能上九天揽月,能下五洋捉鳖的游泳健将。张大哥不但时刻制造机会促进张叔叔的德智体全面发展,还十分关心小弟的心理健康。六岁上学之后,张叔叔变得爱看书爱思考,明显偏向他大姐的精英路线。这让平日游手好闲的张老七心中十分不爽。为了阻止弟弟变成万人唾弃的JY,他用心良苦的带张叔叔到跑马地坟场去看书。然后把张叔叔一个人留在空旷阴暗的墓地里长达数小时。正常人在这样美好的环境下挑灯夜读之后轻则形成良好的条件反射,日后看见书本就像见了鬼一样想呕,重则惊吓过度精神失常就算康复也是个文盲。张叔叔神经很大条,基本上没留下什么后遗症,就是当晚失眠了。我怀疑他可能整个晚上都在思考和推测他大哥这种心理变态的畸形生物到底是在怎样恶劣的条件下酝酿出来的(可能张家老爹老妈"那天晚上"特别不开心,而且一点都不HIGH)。
楼主:猪头方片三  时间:2009-11-10 11:16:47
张大哥后来的JP事迹还在继续。他的职业说的好听点是算命先生,法号智法居士,其实就是个神棍。JP大哥整日向传媒抱怨他的白眼狼弟弟不念亲情,发达之后从不将上流社会的有钱朋友介绍给他,害得他在香港难以立足,要到大陆去骗辛苦钱谋生。 我看了他给张叔叔批的命文,原话是 "他的 掌 纹 叫 『 三 线 同 源 』 , 即 生 命 、 头 脑 同感 情 线 都 系 同 一 个 起 点 , 简直 系 万 中 无 一呀。代 表 他艺 术 天 分 特 别 高 , 注 定 要 食 呢 行 饭 。" 真是从文法到逻辑无一不是狗屁不通。三线同源在手相中的概念是感情干扰理智,易对婚姻生活造成困扰,跟艺术天份有个毛关系啊。还TM万中无一,听上去好像功夫里看见流鼻涕的小朋友就上前兜售贱卖版如来神掌的那个丐帮长老一样。相比之下,董慕节的"待人以诚,人反相辱" 字句平仄工整不说,起码看得出提点人生的寓意。张叔叔向来眼神雪亮,头脑清醒,这点高下之分自然掂量得一清二楚。除了攻击弟弟冷血无情之外,张家大哥还特别喜欢宣扬自己钟意吟诗作对坚守中国传统文化,讽刺自己弟弟是个英文好过中文的黄皮白心香蕉人,殊不知张叔叔是流氓有文化,神仙也挡不住的人物,几分钟内顺手写出个双飞燕,让他大哥照着念都未必念得通顺。
由于张家大哥的JP声名远扬,又跟张叔叔向来不合,许多香港记者都想从他这里套得张叔叔的负面新闻。结果多半无功而返,可见张叔叔对付JP家人的确有相当的手段。按张叔叔的话说,自从他羽翼丰满之后,家里那几个比较JP的哥哥姐姐都很怕他,他对过去遭受的严刑拷打既往不咎,但是在家里一向说一不二,并且以控制全家经济命脉的形式有效的钳制着某些JP家人的言论自由。可能是在弟弟强大的阴影下压抑太久,有一次记者询问张大哥对于张叔叔和唐三藏手拉手逛街一事有何感想时,张老七忽然抽风似的又BH了一回,他的感想大意是: 靠,我还能有毛感想,我弟弟从小就是个小流氓,唐三藏又和他从小就认识,他们俩从小就喜欢拉拉小手勾肩搭背耍耍流氓,我TM都看了几十年了见怪不怪,反正都耍成一家人了,我就当多个弟弟罩着我。。。
楼主:猪头方片三  时间:2009-11-11 12:50:25
作者:阿_狸 回复日期:2009-11-10 22:38:48



张家老八大名好像叫张大荣。是老张家屈指可数的正常人,为人朴实,善良,厚道,对张叔叔很好。曾经在老五用衣架修理张叔叔的时候冲上去制止。老五当时拎着断成两节的衣架满不在乎的说,你心疼个毛,我还没下狠手咧,他哪儿知道疼啊。老八当时就气炸了,一把夺过那半截衣架狠狠的打在老五身上,老五登时嚎的比杀猪还要敞亮。老八还不解恨,一边打一边叫: 不疼,不疼你自个儿试试。。。
当然,后来长大成人的张叔叔谈起这位哥哥的时候,也的确不是面对老七时的那种刻薄白眼狼的面相。他会很老实的承认自己小时候诡计多端,很感谢八哥在这个BH家庭里给予他的难能可贵的温暖情义。张叔叔通常会这样介绍他二哥: 我家老八哥哥是个好人, 他长得像一只大狗熊(老八别哭, 你弟弟这是在夸你咧)。
楼主:猪头方片三  时间:2009-11-14 15:26:51
荣迷果然有考据癖。关于衣架流星镖的发明人是大姐张绿萍还是老五张绿芝这个问题,俺也纠结了很久。俺反复研究了85自述,发现张叔叔很少用明确的数字区分他的哥哥姐姐。例如,他几乎从不称呼老八为八哥,而是用"像熊一样的那个哥哥"这样绕口的形容方式。俺头痛了很久,只能暂时推测一下: 张家老小子, 他根本就不识数啊! 这样一个玩BINGO连6,8,9都反应不过来的奇才,你凭啥指望他准确的区分一二五六七八啊。可是话说回来,我好像听说张叔叔后来给他两位外甥女补习过包括数学在内的科目来着。如果十舅父的数学天份真的渣到这种天雷滚滚的级别,那么受其毒害的麦家大小姐又是如何成为日后香港首屈一指的神算会计师的呢, 难道他的数学白目症是间歇性发作的么? 烦请诸位考据癖人士对类似建设性问题多加考证。
至于0932和猪头方片三到底有毛关系这种歪楼的话题就能免则免吧。据我估计,鉴于0932她老家桂林的所有亲人朋友现在已经被大韩民国殖民,这厮指不定在哪家棒子桂林米粉店化悲愤为食欲呢, 有个P功夫回贴啊。
楼主:猪头方片三  时间:2009-11-22 20:10:06
这个时期的张叔叔已经表现出了他个人性格中非常重要的特性之一 --- 硬净。这个词翻译成普通话可以包含坚强,倔强,绝不认输之类的意思。总之,这个人想要办到的事情就一定要办到,但并非依靠蛮力,而是运用头脑和手段。据说张叔叔后来在足球队混得不错,充分发挥了自己反应迅速,身手敏捷,脚法凌厉,头脑灵活的优势,加上他英文说得相当地道,很快就达到了和四肢发达的英国小赤佬们打成一片的目的,顺利融入了这个原本陌生而排外的环境。张叔叔不但体育不落人后,学业更是势如破竹,不光连连跳级,成绩还在全省范围内名列前茅(那个省当时大约有200万人口,应届中学生大概几十万)。我估计他那帮身为手下败将的鬼佬同学如果知道这厮在殖民地香港读书一塌糊涂的事迹时一定会很郁闷。据张叔叔本人交待,他读书其实是有天份的,只是彼时忙着泡妞才荒疏了学业,在英国因为读的是半封闭式男校,少了女色诱惑,自然事半功倍。当然,张叔叔虽然当时不近女色,心里还是时刻憧憬着人生某些重要阶段的,例如尽快废掉自己的混帐处男身份。他一边努力锻炼身体保卫自己,一边在酒吧做兼职酒保赚钱。这些钱大在数年之后大多用于他和某MM从香港坐水翼船到澳门中央XX开房时的行动经费(真是个有决心的好青年啊)。顺便说一句,张叔叔在今夜不设防上说他21岁结束处男生涯,这事儿八成有诈。介哥们儿21时候的表现已经完全是个经验丰富少年老成外加满脑子陈贯希思想的资深流氓了,18岁回港复读都达到平均俩星期换一妞的水平,照此推算他的实战经验养成应该在15到16之间。在此不鼓励未成年人向他学习,普通人经不起这么折腾的。张叔叔是牛人,他身兼资优生,打工仔和流氓有志青年之外,还连哄带骗的霸占了善良忠厚的地理老师家的厨房,顺手练就了一身相当了得的厨艺。从他的拿手菜谱(京都排骨,咖哩鸡,俄罗斯猪扒? 海鲜粥? 清蒸鱼,甜点? 。。。)看来,他是很有决心要将未来老婆养成一只胖子的。
楼主:猪头方片三  时间:2009-11-22 20:23:31
说到胖子,回过头再8一8那个船王家的衰仔,可惜此人空长了一副憨厚的皮囊,娇生惯养,萎缩懦弱,不学无术不说,居然还弄虚做假,为了逃避体育课居然想出冒充小儿麻痹这种烂招,简直就是东亚病夫的活体代言人,认真影衰香港人形像。幸好还有张叔叔为国争光,挽回颜面。最衰是胖子为人小肚鸡肠,没啥本事好像还很喜欢打小报告,告黑状之类的干活,张叔叔当然属于窝里斗的对象。对此张叔叔没啥客气好讲,直接抢了胖子的口粮。他很好心的说,反正胖子小少爷身娇肉贵,吃不下俺们学校这些粗茶淡饭,不如让俺代劳罢。于是乎,数月之后,饿到前腔贴后背的胖少爷结束了英国留学的苦难,带着他唯一的战斗成果 -- 瘦身成功,轻飘飘的飘回了香港。
楼主:猪头方片三  时间:2009-11-23 08:56:31
作者:嗖嗖嗖嗖嗖嗖嗖 回复日期:2009-11-23 06:14:51
作者:lilithsouma 回复日期:2009-11-20 11:28:00




总结:这厮压根就一大龄正太,只有身份证能蒙蒙人- -



同学们,你们表被一面之辞蒙蔽鸟。说张叔叔幼稚可爱没心机的那都是些什么人? 朋友啊。要知道,张叔叔的作人原则向来是,对待朋友是仿佛春天般的温暖,对待敌人那是宛如秋风扫落叶般的无情!
楼主:猪头方片三  时间:2009-11-23 15:02:19
我不太确定他当时就读的那间中学是否是玫瑰岗,反正林奕华刚好也读过同一间学校。矛盾之处在于,林SIR口供里声称他遇见张叔叔的学校是间佛教中学。而玫瑰岗分明是一间天主教会挂帅,从校徽,校训,校歌到在校学生无一不囧的神奇学校。不过林SIR也说了,他根本不CARE这间学校的任何鸟事,他每天之所以按时上学唯一的目的就是去瞻仰新来的那位英俊美丽,风流倜当,如同JP吸铁石一样男女通杀的天才少年张叔叔。其实当时被这种不良倾向吸引而来的莘莘学子可能不在少数。张叔叔在操场上挥洒灌篮高手英姿的时候,全场持花痴观望状的正太里,说不定还有一个叫粱家辉的家伙。多年之后,在一部名为东成西就的无俚头经典巨著里,已经成长为新一代开山怪的张叔叔和头顶八爪鱼式娇羞美艳爆炸头的粱叔叔合唱了一首充满奸情的双飞燕,张叔叔被迫说了三声我爱你,我估计他心里同时正在一表斯文的问候废柴编剧王家卫全家富贵。总之,玫瑰岗自张叔叔驾临之后风水就有点变异,后来还出产了翁美玲,陈慧琳,郭可盈,阿Sa蔡卓妍, BoBo陈文媛, 邓一君等一系列知名人物。他们之中很多人跟张叔叔都有或多或少的交集。不过,现在先将镜头切回到1974年的香港,出了玫瑰岗中学的校门,离开司徒拔道41号,穿越水路,跨过大约20公里的距离,来到位于荃湾咸田街的圣芳济中学。在这个志在培育中产阶级精英, 气场十分正常的学校里,正孕育着一朵茁壮成长的校草。他是文学社里的牛逼才子,篮球场上的风云人物,平日像流川枫一样沉默寡言,动作迟缓,球场上也像流川枫一样所向披靡,锐不可当。这个人目前的生活还很平静。这样平静的生活将会一直持续到1981年12月9号的某一分钟,之后,被那个肆业于玫瑰岗中学,看上去斯文骨致,其实性格有点像樱木花道,经常自信爆棚的声称"我是天才"的白痴大好青年,彻底的拖向BH加狗血的深渊。
楼主:猪头方片三  时间:2009-11-23 15:28:46

楼主:猪头方片三  时间:2009-11-23 15:35:13
作者:lstories 回复日期:2009-11-23 15:26:04

楼主:猪头方片三  时间:2009-11-23 16:46:56
关于林SIR的成长历程,我所知甚微,实在不敢妄言。根据百度和GOOGLE所言,他应该是从玫瑰岗中学毕业的,毕业之前曾在丽的电台(亚视)任兼职编剧。跟张叔叔在电台重逢时应该年约17到18之间。之后就伙同一班闷骚文艺青年成立了至今仍很牛B的本地文化团体Zuni Icosahedron - 进念二十面体(很绕口很装B的名字),一直扎根香港,放眼世界。至于他什么时候去过台湾进修,我对此一无所知。
楼主:猪头方片三  时间:2009-11-24 14:47:54
威灵顿中学? 好囧好山寨的校名。现在这间学校已经不存在了吧。 我还以为在香港这地界没有比玫瑰岗更囧的学校了。玫瑰岗的网站看得我欲哭无泪,真是让我退回十年前也做不出这么难看的东西啊,多久没更新了,上面的通告还写着预防猪流感啥的。。。还有那华丽的双语校歌啊,还能翻译得更二一点么。
楼主:猪头方片三  时间:2009-11-30 16:22:57
对不起大家。我这两天没怎么干正事。因为刚刚收听了APM(美国公共传媒)的招牌节目之一 The Story 的DJ, Dick Gordon采访美国荣Marie Jost 的录音(Marie姐说这个节目同属于NPR国家公共电台,我不太清楚)。总之算是收听人数上千万的主流媒体。
张叔叔的狗血事迹终于上了The Story这个知性BH的栏目。
The Story的宗旨,翻成中文,大概是"讲述老百姓自己的故事"€。具体一点,是讲述BH的美国老百姓自己的狗血故事。这次Marie姐讲述张叔叔故事的章节被排在节目中间一段,长约20分钟。Dick

Discovering Leslie Cheung

Gordon: Coming up next on the program, a story of falling love with a screen idol, that has led to something more. Marie Jost, first saw the Chinese actor, Leslie Zhang, about two years ago, now she can’t get him out of her
mind. It’s a little bit more than that, she discovered a whole new culture of Chinese film and music.

Marie: I came of the age during the Culture Revolution, So everything I’ve heard about China was very negative. I discovering Leslie has inspired to dig deeper into Hong Kong culture, and looking into China, this culture,
this more linear culture. I want to know more about China as it takes greater and greater role in the world.

G: All that stars as fans, a fascination for Leslie. Now talk more with Marie, just a moment.
I’m Dick Gordon from the American Public Media, this is the Story.
Lots people develop a passion for screen stars that’s often film actors,performers... Why? they are good looking people, they are talented, and on one level this is a simple story about that infatuation about a performer.But Marie Jost is not just a giti(??) 13 years old who is crazy about the latest boy band, she was already just in her 50s. She first fell off for the Hong Kong actor Leslie Zhang

M: I never expected to be a fan. I guess i have admired artists before, and the works they have been produced, but never to the sustained. I have no explanation for.

G: There is one thing you need to know about the performer Leslie Zhang, and there is, he is dead. He took his own life 6 years ago. Marie didn’t know that when she saw his signature film Farewell My Concubine.

M: Everybody says it’s a great film won Gold Globe, for best foreign picture,when I reviewed, put it in the video player, and was just blown away by his performance. And his is playing a very difficult character. He is a Chinese Peking opera performer, and he plays the female roles, he plays the female personation, and his key role is the concubine, and he has both on stage a relationship with his stage brother who plays the king, but off stage he began to realize he is really in love with this man, who is not
interesting in with him in that way at all. It is in his eyes because he is wearing full face makeup, the chalky white makeup with pink in cheek.... he has to act primarily using his eyes. and the director has the camera man focus the scene, so you can really see his eyes, and you can see all the emotion, the courses through him, he can only using his eyes.

G: So here you said you are watching and what’s going through you?

M: I’m looking at this man going, I don’t think I’ve ever seen such depth of emotion, such hope, such joy and such pain, all expressed at the same time, in such a exquisitely beautiful human being, who can be a man and a woman at - the - SAME - time, it is ALL - THERE, in him, in this moment, in this role, in this scene.

G: That’s when you said, I’m gonna learn more about this guy.

M: That was it, there was the moment, that was the moment I said that I’m gonna find out who this actor is. (scene in Farewell My Concubine played)You see he is able to communicate with the things that his character can not say, because of the nature of the relationship between these two men, and it’s so portable and so obvious.

G: Marie searched through the internet to find more about this actor.

M: You know, go to the Wikipedia lik,e everyone else, start reading his Bio, and get about half way through and it talked about his death. I was totally unprepared for this. I’m like " What you mean his is dead?" I think it was an accident or what. and I keep reading ... It was a suicide. and I had just stopped reading. I was just so shaking: How could someone, such an exquisite human being, be in a position that they in such dispel that they won’t take their own life. and I came to find out by that time he had pretty server depression, and that had attempted suicide a few months earlier.So for his family it’s very sad but maybe not totally unexpected, but for his fans it’s no inkling that this gonna happe.

G: and you are.. I guess, discovered you are alone ...

M: Oh my god, after the Wikipedia I thought, "Well, they start talk about his music in the Wikipedia article ... " and I said "his not just an actor??!!!??? " So I went to youtube, I’d never been on youtube in my life. Put in his name, and a series of concerts came up, he had his gorgeous costumes, he had a possession about him, a self possession when he was performing for his fans, it was mesmerizing.

G: Was there one song you heard really caught your imagination?

M: I found a translation for the lyric for his song " I " , and it was a song in which he really said literally "I am what I am"(background music" I ") he had been out by 1995, and it’s a common knowledge that he had a male companion, and so he’s basically just standing in front of the world singing " This is who I am, That is Leslie Zhang. and to see him performing this live in front of 12000 to 15000 people at Hong Kong Coliseum in a live show, and his conviction and his total possession of who he was, was mesmerizing.

G: I’m Dick Godon, you are listening the story. Marie Jost found herself so swept up by the story of this, Leslie Zhang, his movies, his music. Well, she start writing poetry for him. One year ago in the anniversary of his death, another fan she met online was traveling Hong Kong to leave flowers for Leslie outside the hotel where he jump to his death. She asked that person to attached her poetry she calls "For Leslie"

(Marie start reading the poetry)
I whisper your name on the wind
no answer
staring in the night sky
I wonder which star shining for you along
my heart was drawn(???)
I’ve never expected to love you this much
no possibility meeting in this life
what if the next

G: Is this kind of love?

M: I think it is. I really do. I do feel what he gave his audiences, when I watch his performances. I was watching one of his live concerts the other night, and that’s the last of live show he did in Hong Kong. And he comes out on stage, there is 15000 people, in this auditorium, huge stage setup. He comes out alone, just him and the spot light, at the edge of the stage was all his fans. And he started singing love songs.
(BG music " I Honestly Love You ")
but i know the love song you feel the way he communicate to the audiences, these are the love songs Leslie singing for his audiences, and they response to him, I mean they are crying out between numbers of "Leslie", "Leslie", we love you .... He says a little bit before he sing this song. He says" You know, It’s really hard to say ’I love you’ in Cantonese, it just gives me the chills, I can’t do it. But I can do it in English. He says to the fans, he says "I love you, I love everyone of you. I love you". And, all fifteen thousand people in Hong Kong Coliseum are just overcome with the emotions.

G: What you hear from friends and families when you talk about this ...

M: They don’t understand it. My husband says he recognized Leslie as a great actor. He hasn’t really said while watching one of Leslie’s live performances.That for me is where I really got Leslie was in front of the audiences.

G: Were you husband drown to watch Farewell My Concubine, or some of the classical John films.

M: He was moved by that, he says Yes, Leslie is a great actor. But it’s not, he is not a fan in the same way.

G: Never get your husband jealous?

M: I would be worried if he was jealous of a dead gay man.

G: This is where I need your help. You know, people line up go to Graceand, because they think Oh, this is magnificent; people still play Frank Sinatra’s records; you know, women through their underclothes at Tom Jones; Michael Jackson, you know, will live on the minds of many fans -- Your infatuation, if I can use that word, with Leslie Zhang, is, I mean, is it different from that? Is somehow separate from that kind of thing?

M: I don’t know. Because I have never been a fan of an artist before.
G: So, is this an uncomfortable way..? I mean, did you question yourself, that’s part of ...

M: No, no. Because I keep coming back to his artistic legacy. Some fans are focus primarily on his live as a celebrity.

G: And you are not?

M: Not to the same degree, I’m not concern about "Oh, he has this appearance in this event on this day, and here is the picture of it..." For me the greatness of Leslie really is his greatness as an artist, and what he brought as an individual to that.

G: and how far will you go to pursue the understanding of this guy, will you go to the anniversary for his death in Hong Kong, for example.

M: I’m planning to go next April 1st.

G: OK.

M: I do plan to leave flowers. I don’t know, which three sides of the Mandarin Oriental.

G: the Mandarin Oriental Hotel is where he kill himself.

M: Yes, from 24th floor.

G: To the front of the hotel... so it’s rather public end...

M: Yes, I know! I mean he even stayed manage that. He called his tour manger, asked her to meet him at the hotel, and then a few minutes before they were going to meet in the coffee shop, he said: Florence I want you to meet me out front. And within minutes he was there on the street. And she has never spoken about it, but when or soon it was very dramatic for her, but she aided him in that even from the properacy(???). there were no post-modern pictures of Leslie that anyone has ever seen.

G: I can’t preseen Marie Jost help me, how her fascination with Leslie Zhang has, somehow made real difference to her.

M: At the time in my life, I didn’t expect I will be doing this. I am embracing a whole new culture, and new language. I mean I’m trying to teach myself Cantonese, without a teacher. Because I want to be able to hear Leslie in his own words, speak in his own voice and understand some of what he’s saying,but also with the idea that he is part of the larger context of Hong Kong. So now I am learning more about Hong Kong. I never expected to be interested in Hong Kong, and Greater China.

G: But at the center of all this, is your obsession with this actor....

M: I won’t call him obsession, you might characterize it instead...
G: Obsession isn’t necessarily objective thing.
M: OK, ok...
G: Hum, give me another word, infatuation? You like that better?
M: No, because it doesn’t sound serious enough. Infatuation sounds like something comes one day and leave you next.
G: and crashed, yeah.
M: Hmm, maybe there isn’t a good word in English to describe it.
G: Marie Jost join me here in our...studios, and this is one of her favorite Leslie Zhang’s song, and its name is "Red".
(BG music "Red")
楼主:猪头方片三  时间:2009-11-30 16:24:18
对不起大家。我这两天没怎么干正事。因为刚刚收听了APM(美国公共传媒)的招牌节目之一 The Story 的DJ, Dick Gordon采访美国荣Marie Jost 的录音(Marie姐说这个节目同属于NPR国家公共电台,我不太清楚)。总之算是收听人数上千万的主流媒体。
张叔叔的狗血事迹终于上了The Story这个知性BH的栏目。
The Story的宗旨,翻成中文,大概是"讲述老百姓自己的故事"€。具体一点,是讲述BH的美国老百姓自己的狗血故事。这次Marie姐讲述张叔叔故事的章节被排在节目中间一段,长约20分钟。Dick

Discovering Leslie Cheung

Gordon: Coming up next on the program, a story of falling love with a screen idol, that has led to something more. Marie Jost, first saw the Chinese actor, Leslie Zhang, about two years ago, now she can’t get him out of her
mind. It’s a little bit more than that, she discovered a whole new culture of Chinese film and music.

Marie: I came of the age during the Culture Revolution, So everything I’ve heard about China was very negative. I discovering Leslie has inspired to dig deeper into Hong Kong culture, and looking into China, this culture,
this more linear culture. I want to know more about China as it takes greater and greater role in the world.

G: All that stars as fans, a fascination for Leslie. Now talk more with Marie, just a moment.
I’m Dick Gordon from the American Public Media, this is the Story.
Lots people develop a passion for screen stars that’s often film actors,performers... Why? they are good looking people, they are talented, and on one level this is a simple story about that infatuation about a performer.But Marie Jost is not just a giti(??) 13 years old who is crazy about the latest boy band, she was already just in her 50s. She first fell off for the Hong Kong actor Leslie Zhang

M: I never expected to be a fan. I guess i have admired artists before, and the works they have been produced, but never to the sustained. I have no explanation for.

G: There is one thing you need to know about the performer Leslie Zhang, and there is, he is dead. He took his own life 6 years ago. Marie didn’t know that when she saw his signature film Farewell My Concubine.

M: Everybody says it’s a great film won Gold Globe, for best foreign picture,when I reviewed, put it in the video player, and was just blown away by his performance. And his is playing a very difficult character. He is a Chinese Peking opera performer, and he plays the female roles, he plays the female personation, and his key role is the concubine, and he has both on stage a relationship with his stage brother who plays the king, but off stage he began to realize he is really in love with this man, who is not
interesting in with him in that way at all. It is in his eyes because he is wearing full face makeup, the chalky white makeup with pink in cheek.... he has to act primarily using his eyes. and the director has the camera man focus the scene, so you can really see his eyes, and you can see all the emotion, the courses through him, he can only using his eyes.

G: So here you said you are watching and what’s going through you?

M: I’m looking at this man going, I don’t think I’ve ever seen such depth of emotion, such hope, such joy and such pain, all expressed at the same time, in such a exquisitely beautiful human being, who can be a man and a woman at - the - SAME - time, it is ALL - THERE, in him, in this moment, in this role, in this scene.

G: That’s when you said, I’m gonna learn more about this guy.

M: That was it, there was the moment, that was the moment I said that I’m gonna find out who this actor is. (scene in Farewell My Concubine played)You see he is able to communicate with the things that his character can not say, because of the nature of the relationship between these two men, and it’s so portable and so obvious.

G: Marie searched through the internet to find more about this actor.

M: You know, go to the Wikipedia lik,e everyone else, start reading his Bio, and get about half way through and it talked about his death. I was totally unprepared for this. I’m like " What you mean his is dead?" I think it was an accident or what. and I keep reading ... It was a suicide. and I had just stopped reading. I was just so shaking: How could someone, such an exquisite human being, be in a position that they in such dispel that they won’t take their own life. and I came to find out by that time he had pretty server depression, and that had attempted suicide a few months earlier.So for his family it’s very sad but maybe not totally unexpected, but for his fans it’s no inkling that this gonna happe.

G: and you are.. I guess, discovered you are alone ...

M: Oh my god, after the Wikipedia I thought, "Well, they start talk about his music in the Wikipedia article ... " and I said "his not just an actor??!!!??? " So I went to youtube, I’d never been on youtube in my life. Put in his name, and a series of concerts came up, he had his gorgeous costumes, he had a possession about him, a self possession when he was performing for his fans, it was mesmerizing.

G: Was there one song you heard really caught your imagination?

M: I found a translation for the lyric for his song " I " , and it was a song in which he really said literally "I am what I am"(background music" I ") he had been out by 1995, and it’s a common knowledge that he had a male companion, and so he’s basically just standing in front of the world singing " This is who I am, That is Leslie Zhang. and to see him performing this live in front of 12000 to 15000 people at Hong Kong Coliseum in a live show, and his conviction and his total possession of who he was, was mesmerizing.

G: I’m Dick Godon, you are listening the story. Marie Jost found herself so swept up by the story of this, Leslie Zhang, his movies, his music. Well, she start writing poetry for him. One year ago in the anniversary of his death, another fan she met online was traveling Hong Kong to leave flowers for Leslie outside the hotel where he jump to his death. She asked that person to attached her poetry she calls "For Leslie"

(Marie start reading the poetry)
I whisper your name on the wind
no answer
staring in the night sky
I wonder which star shining for you along
my heart was drawn(???)
I’ve never expected to love you this much
no possibility meeting in this life
what if the next

G: Is this kind of love?

M: I think it is. I really do. I do feel what he gave his audiences, when I watch his performances. I was watching one of his live concerts the other night, and that’s the last of live show he did in Hong Kong. And he comes out on stage, there is 15000 people, in this auditorium, huge stage setup. He comes out alone, just him and the spot light, at the edge of the stage was all his fans. And he started singing love songs.
(BG music " I Honestly Love You ")
but i know the love song you feel the way he communicate to the audiences, these are the love songs Leslie singing for his audiences, and they response to him, I mean they are crying out between numbers of "Leslie", "Leslie", we love you .... He says a little bit before he sing this song. He says" You know, It’s really hard to say ’I love you’ in Cantonese, it just gives me the chills, I can’t do it. But I can do it in English. He says to the fans, he says "I love you, I love everyone of you. I love you". And, all fifteen thousand people in Hong Kong Coliseum are just overcome with the emotions.

G: What you hear from friends and families when you talk about this ...

M: They don’t understand it. My husband says he recognized Leslie as a great actor. He hasn’t really said while watching one of Leslie’s live performances.That for me is where I really got Leslie was in front of the audiences.

G: Were you husband drown to watch Farewell My Concubine, or some of the classical John films.

M: He was moved by that, he says Yes, Leslie is a great actor. But it’s not, he is not a fan in the same way.

G: Never get your husband jealous?

M: I would be worried if he was jealous of a dead gay man.

G: This is where I need your help. You know, people line up go to Graceand, because they think Oh, this is magnificent; people still play Frank Sinatra’s records; you know, women through their underclothes at Tom Jones; Michael Jackson, you know, will live on the minds of many fans -- Your infatuation, if I can use that word, with Leslie Zhang, is, I mean, is it different from that? Is somehow separate from that kind of thing?

M: I don’t know. Because I have never been a fan of an artist before.
G: So, is this an uncomfortable way..? I mean, did you question yourself, that’s part of ...

M: No, no. Because I keep coming back to his artistic legacy. Some fans are focus primarily on his live as a celebrity.

G: And you are not?

M: Not to the same degree, I’m not concern about "Oh, he has this appearance in this event on this day, and here is the picture of it..." For me the greatness of Leslie really is his greatness as an artist, and what he brought as an individual to that.

G: and how far will you go to pursue the understanding of this guy, will you go to the anniversary for his death in Hong Kong, for example.

M: I’m planning to go next April 1st.

G: OK.

M: I do plan to leave flowers. I don’t know, which three sides of the Mandarin Oriental.

G: the Mandarin Oriental Hotel is where he kill himself.

M: Yes, from 24th floor.

G: To the front of the hotel... so it’s rather public end...

M: Yes, I know! I mean he even stayed manage that. He called his tour manger, asked her to meet him at the hotel, and then a few minutes before they were going to meet in the coffee shop, he said: Florence I want you to meet me out front. And within minutes he was there on the street. And she has never spoken about it, but when or soon it was very dramatic for her, but she aided him in that even from the properacy(???). there were no post-modern pictures of Leslie that anyone has ever seen.

G: I can’t preseen Marie Jost help me, how her fascination with Leslie Zhang has, somehow made real difference to her.

M: At the time in my life, I didn’t expect I will be doing this. I am embracing a whole new culture, and new language. I mean I’m trying to teach myself Cantonese, without a teacher. Because I want to be able to hear Leslie in his own words, speak in his own voice and understand some of what he’s saying,but also with the idea that he is part of the larger context of Hong Kong. So now I am learning more about Hong Kong. I never expected to be interested in Hong Kong, and Greater China.

G: But at the center of all this, is your obsession with this actor....

M: I won’t call him obsession, you might characterize it instead...
G: Obsession isn’t necessarily objective thing.
M: OK, ok...
G: Hum, give me another word, infatuation? You like that better?
M: No, because it doesn’t sound serious enough. Infatuation sounds like something comes one day and leave you next.
G: and crashed, yeah.
M: Hmm, maybe there isn’t a good word in English to describe it.
G: Marie Jost join me here in our...studios, and this is one of her favorite Leslie Zhang’s song, and its name is "Red".
(BG music "Red")
楼主:猪头方片三  时间:2009-11-30 16:26:55
对不起大家。我这两天没怎么干正事。因为刚刚收听了APM(美国公共传媒)的招牌节目之一 The Story 的DJ, Dick Gordon采访美国荣Marie Jost 的录音(Marie姐说这个节目同属于NPR国家公共电台,我不太清楚)。总之算是收听人数上千万的主流媒体。
张叔叔的狗血事迹终于上了The Story这个知性BH的栏目。
The Story的宗旨,翻成中文,大概是"讲述老百姓自己的故事"€。具体一点,是讲述BH的美国老百姓自己的狗血故事。这次Marie姐讲述张叔叔故事的章节被排在节目中间一段,长约20分钟。Dick

Discovering Leslie Cheung

Gordon: Coming up next on the program, a story of falling love with a screen idol, that has led to something more. Marie Jost, first saw the Chinese actor, Leslie Zhang, about two years ago, now she can’t get him out of her
mind. It’s a little bit more than that, she discovered a whole new culture of Chinese film and music.

Marie: I came of the age during the Culture Revolution, So everything I’ve heard about China was very negative. I discovering Leslie has inspired to dig deeper into Hong Kong culture, and looking into China, this culture,
this more linear culture. I want to know more about China as it takes greater and greater role in the world.

G: All that stars as fans, a fascination for Leslie. Now talk more with Marie, just a moment.
I’m Dick Gordon from the American Public Media, this is the Story.
Lots people develop a passion for screen stars that’s often film actors,performers... Why? they are good looking people, they are talented, and on one level this is a simple story about that infatuation about a performer.But Marie Jost is not just a giti(??) 13 years old who is crazy about the latest boy band, she was already just in her 50s. She first fell off for the Hong Kong actor Leslie Zhang

M: I never expected to be a fan. I guess i have admired artists before, and the works they have been produced, but never to the sustained. I have no explanation for.

G: There is one thing you need to know about the performer Leslie Zhang, and there is, he is dead. He took his own life 6 years ago. Marie didn’t know that when she saw his signature film Farewell My Concubine.

M: Everybody says it’s a great film won Gold Globe, for best foreign picture,when I reviewed, put it in the video player, and was just blown away by his performance. And his is playing a very difficult character. He is a Chinese Peking opera performer, and he plays the female roles, he plays the female personation, and his key role is the concubine, and he has both on stage a relationship with his stage brother who plays the king, but off stage he began to realize he is really in love with this man, who is not
interesting in with him in that way at all. It is in his eyes because he is wearing full face makeup, the chalky white makeup with pink in cheek.... he has to act primarily using his eyes. and the director has the camera man focus the scene, so you can really see his eyes, and you can see all the emotion, the courses through him, he can only using his eyes.

G: So here you said you are watching and what’s going through you?

M: I’m looking at this man going, I don’t think I’ve ever seen such depth of emotion, such hope, such joy and such pain, all expressed at the same time, in such a exquisitely beautiful human being, who can be a man and a woman at - the - SAME - time, it is ALL - THERE, in him, in this moment, in this role, in this scene.

G: That’s when you said, I’m gonna learn more about this guy.

M: That was it, there was the moment, that was the moment I said that I’m gonna find out who this actor is. (scene in Farewell My Concubine played)You see he is able to communicate with the things that his character can not say, because of the nature of the relationship between these two men, and it’s so portable and so obvious.

G: Marie searched through the internet to find more about this actor.

M: You know, go to the Wikipedia lik,e everyone else, start reading his Bio, and get about half way through and it talked about his death. I was totally unprepared for this. I’m like " What you mean his is dead?" I think it was an accident or what. and I keep reading ... It was a suicide. and I had just stopped reading. I was just so shaking: How could someone, such an exquisite human being, be in a position that they in such dispel that they won’t take their own life. and I came to find out by that time he had pretty server depression, and that had attempted suicide a few months earlier.So for his family it’s very sad but maybe not totally unexpected, but for his fans it’s no inkling that this gonna happe.

G: and you are.. I guess, discovered you are alone ...

M: Oh my god, after the Wikipedia I thought, "Well, they start talk about his music in the Wikipedia article ... " and I said "his not just an actor??!!!??? " So I went to youtube, I’d never been on youtube in my life. Put in his name, and a series of concerts came up, he had his gorgeous costumes, he had a possession about him, a self possession when he was performing for his fans, it was mesmerizing.

G: Was there one song you heard really caught your imagination?

M: I found a translation for the lyric for his song " I " , and it was a song in which he really said literally "I am what I am"(background music" I ") he had been out by 1995, and it’s a common knowledge that he had a male companion, and so he’s basically just standing in front of the world singing " This is who I am, That is Leslie Zhang. and to see him performing this live in front of 12000 to 15000 people at Hong Kong Coliseum in a live show, and his conviction and his total possession of who he was, was mesmerizing.

楼主:猪头方片三  时间:2009-11-30 16:31:01
对不起大家。我这两天没怎么干正事。因为刚刚收听了APM(美国公共传媒)的招牌节目之一 The Story 的DJ, Dick Gordon采访美国荣迷Marie Jost 的录音(Marie姐说这个节目同属于NPR国家公共电台,我不太清楚)。总之算是收听人数上千万的主流媒体。
张叔叔的狗血事迹终于上了The Story这个狗血栏目。
The Story的宗旨,翻成中文,大概是"讲述老百姓自己的故事"€。具体一点,是讲述BH的美国老百姓自己的狗血故事。这次Marie姐讲述张叔叔故事的章节被排在节目中间一段,长约20分钟。Dick Gordon不愧是资深专业人士,功课做得非常充分,把张叔叔不为美国普通民众熟悉的音乐人形像作为重点采访目标。Marie也是有备而来,对答非常有水准,锋芒收放自如。听过之后,我很欣慰。


Discovering Leslie Cheung

Gordon: Coming up next on the program, a story of falling love with a screen idol, that has led to something more. Marie Jost, first saw the Chinese actor, Leslie Zhang, about two years ago, now she can’t get him out of her
mind. It’s a little bit more than that, she discovered a whole new culture of Chinese film and music.

Marie: I came of the age during the Culture Revolution, So everything I’ve heard about China was very negative. I discovering Leslie has inspired to dig deeper into Hong Kong culture, and looking into China, this culture,
this more linear culture. I want to know more about China as it takes greater and greater role in the world.

G: All that stars as fans, a fascination for Leslie. Now talk more with Marie, just a moment.

楼主:猪头方片三  时间:2009-11-30 16:32:20
对不起大家。我这两天没怎么干正事。因为刚刚收听了APM(美国公共传媒)的招牌节目之一 The Story 的DJ, Dick Gordon采访美国荣迷Marie Jost 的录音(Marie姐说这个节目同属于NPR国家公共电台,我不太清楚)。总之算是收听人数上千万的主流媒体。
张叔叔的狗血事迹终于上了The Story这个狗血栏目。
The Story的宗旨,翻成中文,大概是"讲述老百姓自己的故事"€。具体一点,是讲述BH的美国老百姓自己的狗血故事。这次Marie姐讲述张叔叔故事的章节被排在节目中间一段,长约20分钟。Dick Gordon不愧是资深专业人士,功课做得非常充分,把张叔叔不为美国普通民众熟悉的音乐人形像作为重点采访目标。Marie也是有备而来,对答非常有水准,锋芒收放自如。听过之后,我很欣慰。


Discovering Leslie Cheung

Gordon: Coming up next on the program, a story of falling love with a screen idol, that has led to something more. Marie Jost, first saw the Chinese actor, Leslie Zhang, about two years ago, now she can’t get him out of her
mind. It’s a little bit more than that, she discovered a whole new culture of Chinese film and music.

Marie: I came of the age during the Culture Revolution, So everything I’ve heard about China was very negative. I discovering Leslie has inspired to dig deeper into Hong Kong culture, and looking into China, this culture,
this more linear culture. I want to know more about China as it takes greater and greater role in the world.

G: All that stars as fans, a fascination for Leslie. Now talk more with Marie, just a moment.

楼主:猪头方片三  时间:2009-11-30 16:51:53
Discovering Leslie Cheung

Gordon: Coming up next on the program, a story of falling love with a screen idol, that has led to something more. Marie Jost, first saw the Chinese actor, Leslie Zhang, about two years ago, now she can’t get him out of her
mind. It’s a little bit more than that, she discovered a whole new culture of Chinese film and music.

Marie: I came of the age during the Culture Revolution, So everything I’ve heard about China was very negative.I discovering Leslie has inspired to dig deeper into Hong Kong culture, and looking into China, this???culture,
this more linear(???) culture. I want to know more about China as it takes greater and greater role in the world.


G: 下面这段节目是关于(一位美国人民)爱上了一位银幕偶像之后发生的(BH+狗血)事迹。Marie Jost第一次遇见中国籍男演员张国荣是在两年前。现在她已经无法将他从脑海中抹去。更加狗血的是,她以此人为线索发现了一个全新的中国电影和音乐文化世界。

M: 由于生长在中国发生文革的年代, 我(曾经)对中国的一切都抱有负面印象。对于张国荣的了解启发了我对香港文化的深入挖掘,并进一步放眼中国,这个。。。的文明(此处需补充校正)。 我想要了解这个在世界上扮演着越来越重要角色的中国。


