Literature Review文献综述怎么写?

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发表时间:2021-08-04 02:51:30 更新时间:2021-08-11 18:38:37

楼主:ty_浅暮雪  时间:2021-08-03 18:51:30
留学生们看过来, 超全Literature Review文献综述部分写作指南Ta来了, EssayMin 今天为大家解析如何写好留学论文Literature Review文献综述部分.

什么是Literature Review文献综述部分的作用?

文献综述为文章提出创新点, 一般在学术界也可称为贡献次从而做铺垫. 学术研究帮助人们发现事实和规律, 好的文献综述需要作者对文章贡献更加顺理成章的阐述, 使读者相信这是一篇有价值的研究成果.

Literature Review写作步骤?

确定论文方向, 选择主题时要考虑资深知识储备.
Literature Review常见类型有Coursework课题作业, Thesis/Dissertation硕博论文, Article期刊文章, 独立文献综述Literature Review. 查找文献是写作的重要步骤, 需要紧跟当下文献, 核心期刊, 核心人物发表的权威观点, 有代表性的文献和著作要重点关注, 掌握收集方法, 注意效率.
对你认为有用的参考文献做整理和分析. 比较文献差异, 筛选能提高文献综述价值的东西, 由于文献综述涉猎内容多, 所以一开始就得对各类参考文献分门别类, 根据文献综述大纲把有用的参考文献做合并, 利于理清思路, 使文章层次更加分明.
文献综述结构包括引言Introduction, 主体Main Body, 结论Conclusion. 在Introduction中说一下论文研究方法Methodology. Main Body主体部分Highlight最有影响力的研究. 分析之前学者的推理过程, 结论, 分析数据. 找出自己的不足之处. Conclusion结论部分, 提出文章存在的问题描述当前研究状况, 要解决的问题有哪些, 整理和归纳先人研究成果的基础上, 提出你见解, 想法和研究思路.

Literature Review写作常见误区

文献资料缺失, 遗漏重要观点
文献阅读不够深入, 简单罗列, 综而不述
文献堆砌繁多, 归纳和提炼能力欠缺

高分Literature Review范例展示

错误表达 Based on the triangulation structure built from unorganized points or a CAD model, the extended STL format is described in this section.4
正确表达  The extended STL format is described in this section based on the triangulation structure built from unorganized points or a CAD model.

错误表达  For the application in automobile interiors, this paper studies the nesting optimization problem in leather manufacturing. 5
正确表达  This paper studies the nesting optimization problem in leather manufacturing for application in automobile interiors.

应用前人研究成果增强客观性, 减少主观臆测

错误表达We Should Train Students To Develop Innovative Thinking, Strengthen Educational Reform, Construct Concordant Humane Circumstances And Good academic Atmosphere.
正确表达 Train Students To Develop Innovative Thinking, Strengthen Educational Reform, Construct Concordant Humane Circumstances And Good academic Atmosphere.

高分Literature Review推荐句型
that...There is in fact no reason for us to believe that...
What these people fail to consider is that...
It is one thing to insist that...,it is quite another to show that...
There is still disagreement with regard to …
Many experts contend, instead , that this evidence is not conclusive.


